Rector's letter 14th January


I have a new morning routine: every day I go out into my garden and prowl around, looking for the growing tips of the bulbs I’ve planted to come up. Most of them are around the edges of the lawn (well, around the edges of the moss!) and they’re hard to spot, so I was very happy this morning to see this little clump of snowdrops pushing their leaves through the soil. Green shoots! Can there be any more hopeful image?

This image has been in my mind as I’ve been getting the order of service ready for this Sunday’s confirmation service. I am so pleased to have been able to invite Bishop Alison to preside at St Mary’s before she retires next month. She’s been an inspiration to me during my time here, and I know that’s the case for many others too. +Alison will be confirming four people, some new members of our congregation.

I see their confirmations as green shoots pushing up through the earth, signs that the Holy Spirit is moving among us. It is such a joy that they are wanting to stand up and publicly declare their faith, that they are wanting to grow in holiness and Christlike-ness. The fact that we have people coming forward for confirmation is a cause for celebration and I hope that many of you can join us to celebrate together, whether that is in person or watching the livestream.

with my prayers and blessings, Nicola