Holy Communion

Every First, Third Sunday at for 1 hour
All Saints, Hérault
Temple de Saint Pargoire Rue des Ecoles St Pargoire, 34230, France

Please refer to our website for further details. (www.heraultenglishchurch.fr).

Holy Communion in modern language from Common Worship, with hymns and other music. We offer both bread and wine at Communion, on the advice of our bishops. Please do not feel under pressure if you would rather not share the common cup. The bishops assure us that ‘the Church’s teaching is that the body and blood of Christ may be completely received in one kind only’.

All Saints, Hérault

Safeguarding The Diocese in Europe and we at All Saints take caring for one another very seriously. Please read our Safeguarding page here. There’s an on-line training programme on the diocesan website here. This is open to everyone and we ask all our members to do the first level of this training, level C0. All those in official positions in the chaplaincy have completed, or are in the process of completing, training to their appropriate level and will repeat this every three years.

Get in touch

Roger Smith

What's on

Holy Communion

Every First, Third Sunday at for 1 hour
All Saints, Hérault
Temple de Saint Pargoire Rue des Ecoles St Pargoire, 34230, France

Please refer to our website for further details. (www.heraultenglishchurch.fr).

Holy Communion in modern language from Common Worship, with hymns and other music. We offer both bread and wine at Communion, on the advice of our bishops. Please do not feel under pressure if you would rather not share the common cup. The bishops assure us that ‘the Church’s teaching is that the body and blood of Christ may be completely received in one kind only’.