Deanery Re-Organisation

At a recent Deanery Synod at All Saints there was a discussion about the options for a deanery plan for the future. A new way of organising the deanery is crucial because of current funding deficiencies, lower numbers in our congregations and the imminent retirement of several of the current clergy over the next three years or so.

At the same time that we are considering these things, the Bishop has introduced a ‘Bishop’s Mission Order’ which legally enables parishes to work together in different/new ways to further the mission of spreading the love of God in our various communities. Added to this is the development in the deanery of the 'Transforming Mission’ initiative in Falmouth, with its focus on outreach to younger adults.

The Deanery Synod and clergy chapter have for some time been looking at the need for changing the way we operate as a deanery and this will continue. Parishes are asked to discuss three proposed options and choose one. Over time, we can start to make the necessary preparations to bring those decisions into effect.

Change always seems to be the last thing most of us want - but it is coming and is already here. Making what may feel like difficult and decisions means, however, that we have a measure of control in what happens and when and how.

Please commend all these things to your prayers, our deliberations and conversations.