Soup Lunch

Monthly. Every Third Thursday at for 2 hours
St Buryan: St Buriana
B3283 St Buryan Truro, TR19 6AB, United Kingdom

Soup Lunch
Third Thursday each month.
Soup, bread, cake, fruit, tea & coffee
£ - Pay what you can – all proceeds
for the upkeep & ministry of the Church

St Buryan: St Buriana

Local legend suggests that the village of St Buryan takes its name from Berrian, the daughter of an Irish king, who came to Cornwall in a coracle (curragh) in the 6th century to convert the local inhabitants to Christianity. 

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What's on

Soup Lunch

Monthly. Every Third Thursday at for 2 hours
St Buryan: St Buriana
B3283 St Buryan Truro, TR19 6AB, United Kingdom

Soup Lunch
Third Thursday each month.
Soup, bread, cake, fruit, tea & coffee
£ - Pay what you can – all proceeds
for the upkeep & ministry of the Church