November Services across the Benefice

November 2nd

1900 All Souls Service St Thomas, Launceston

Sunday November 5th

0930  Virginstowe Morning Prayer

1730 St Stephens, Launceston Evensong and farewell to Revd Alison

Saturday November 11th

1400 Virginstowe, Celebration for the life of Cheryl Pearce

Sunday November 12th, Remembrance Sunday

0915 Werrington, said Eucharist

1050 Boyton,  Joint Act of Remembrance with the Methodist Church

1050 St Giles, Holy Communion

1050 North Tamerton, Act of remembrance and short service

1050 Werrington, at the Yeolmbridge Hall, Joint Act of Remembrance with the Methodist Church

1500 Virginstowe, Messy Church

Sunday November 19th

0915 Werrington, Morning Prayer

1000 North Tamerton,  Morning Prayer

1100 St Giles, Morning Prayer

Sunday November 26th Christ the King

0930 Boyton, Holy Communion

1100 Virginstowe Holy Communion

1800 North Tamerton, Holy Communion