Easter Hunt

Easter is the celebration of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. It is the oldest Christian tradition and the most important date in the Christian calendar. Easter marks the end of the 40 days of Lent. The week before Easter is known as Holy Week, beginning on Palm Sunday and including Maundy Thursday (the day of the Last Supper), Good Friday (the day of Christ’s crucifixion) and Holy Saturday.

Eggs are associated with Easter because eggs were forbidden during Lent. Any remaining eggs would be used up on the day before Lent, Shrove Tuesday, also known as Pancake Day. Eggs gathered during Lent would then be eaten at Easter. Eggs are a symbol of fertility and rebirth, linking them with springtime and with the celebration of the resurrection.

Here in Little Melton we have traditionally held an Easter Egg Hunt after our service on Easter Sunday.

This year we have a joint service in Hethersett so we are having our Easter Hunt throughout Holy Week.

The church will be open every day. When you visit you must find the ten Easter pictures around the church.

Write down what you find and pop your list in the box provided.

All entrants can collect their egg from the porch on

Easter Sunday.