Come and celebrate Christmas with us at North Stainley


Our Christmas celebrations started early this year! At the end of November we had a bumper attendance at JAM which we run in conjunction with North Stainley Primary School. We thought again about the Christmas story - from the perspective of Festive Fred (ask the children or watch the Bible Society film) - and realised that Jesus is the greatest gift at Christmas. The children then took part in lots of different craft activities, including, making a cut out nativity scene, making a tiny manger scene in a matchbox, making a decoration to put on their Christmas trees at home (a candle made with a wooden disc and a pumpkin seed!), and even making finger puppets of all the characters in the story. Huge thanks to all the adults who supported this.

On Friday Class 1 came to help set up the stable scene in church. They had been practising hard for their nativity and were able to retell the story brilliantly as they put the figures in the crib. We also have a crocheted nativity set at the back of church which children are welcome to come and play with!

On Monday 18th December at 5.30 till 6pm we will be singing carols outside round the fire pit at our local pub, the Staveley Arms.

4pm on Christmas Eve is our Christingle service - this has become one of the best attended services in the year, when all ages meet to think again about Jesus, the light of the world, being born at Christmas. Do come along and bring your friends and family.

On Christmas Day at 9.15 we will have our Christmas Holy Communion Service - everyone is welcome to this special celebration.

…..And to round off the year we are hosting the Joint Churches Family Eucharist for the Masham Group of Parishes on Sunday 31st December at 10.45am

There are also lots of other services and special events at the other churches in the Group - see our website and Facebook pages for details.