JAM extra!

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For quite a while now we have been running an afterschool club once a half term in both North Stainley and West Tanfield C of E primary schools. It used to be called Messy Church - but in January 2020 we re-branded to JAM (Jesus and Me). This is a joint initiative between the Church of England churches in the two villages and the Methodist church in West Tanfield. 

On Sunday 1st March we held the first JAM Extra session! We celebrated Shrove Tuesday (a few days late!) and the beginning of Lent... with all things pancake - crafts, games, worship and eating pancakes.  A great time was had by 67 people at our Pancake Party. Pancakes were designed, prayer mice were made, Lent wordsearches were puzzled over, Mardi Gras masks were created (thanks for modelling yours Sian!), salt dough prayer pretzels were rolled, worship songs sung and we thought about acts of kindness and the story of Jesus being tempted.... and.. and ... and then we ATE pancakes and played pancake games. A very busy afternoon! Thanks to all the helpers from the churches in N Stainley and W Tanfield and the parents and grandparents who brought smaller people along!