Our Treasurer, Wendy, is interviewed for the launch of the online signup of the Parish Giving Scheme....

Church_news From_the_Vicar Community_news Notices

Our Telephone Lent Groups, which we've called 'Connect' have proved to be a huge hit both in the Parish, and have also been picked up by the Diocesan news!

Church_news Lent

We're delighted to introduce our new curate - Revd Chris Balding and his family! Joining us offically from Sunday 17th January, they both went to University in Leeds and Sheffield, and found that the north had well and truly hooked them!

Church_news From_the_Vicar Community_news Notices

After of hard work involving countless people, the day had finally arrived: 'scatter bombing' the Parish with free Christmas Decorations

christmas Church_news Community_news