40th Annual Christmas Concert

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The church was full as the local community came together to start the Christmas season. The concert followed a traditional format of one or two items performed by local people and then an opportunity for all to join in a Christmas carol. The children, ranging in age from 3 to 15 performed songs including "When Santa Got Stuck up the Chimney" and recited poems with a Christmas theme. Especial thanks go to teenage organist, Joshua Greenwell, who stepped in to help and did a wonderful job of accompanying the carols and playing before the concert started. Two young brothers each played a medley of Christmas carols on a keyboard. Adult performers played a lovely selection of music on the viola, a beautiful and unusual instrument, and, in complete contrast, a ukulele. There was an a capella version of a beautiful Christmas folk song and in complete contrast a lively version of “It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas”. The congregation eagerly joined in a rousing rendition of “The Twelve days of Christmas”, each pew leaping to their feet and singing their line from the carol. It has become so popular that it is requested every year!

Supper in the Village Hall followed the concert, a buffet spread followed by the ever-popular puddings provided by the local community. Although it is a small PCC group that organise and run the event there were lots of willing helpers, old and young to assist with clearing and tidying up. The PCC would like to thank everyone who participated, came to the concert, cooked and baked, donated raffle prizes and cleared up afterwards for their help. It is a lovely community event which would not happen without that support.