Youth Club

Every First, Third Thursday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
St John the Divine, Horninglow
Horninglow Road North, Burton-on-Trent Burton-on-Trent, DE13 0JZ, United Kingdom

The Youth Club It is for any young person aged 11-16.

We meet in the Red Lion house Community Centre, Horninglow Road North (by St John’s Church) from 6.30pm- 8.00pm on the First & Third Thursday of each month (except August).

We invite the young people to come and enjoy a safe environment where they can:
Chill out with friends
Play games
Do craft activities
Have a chat
Enjoy refreshments

St John the Divine, Horninglow

Sunday Services:
09.15  Parish High Mass (Sung)
Also available live-streamed on our Facebook page and available later on our YouTube channel.

Weekday Services:
Wednesday  09.30


Parish priest: Rev. Simon Archer, The Vicarage, Rangemore Street, Burton upon Trent, DE14 2ED
Telephone: 01283 902157
Email: [email protected]

Parish Administrator:
Mrs S. Oakes
Tel. 01283 512539
Email: [email protected]

Safeguarding Coordinator:
St.John the Divine, Horninglow, is committed to Safeguarding and has adopted the National and Diocesan Safeguarding Policies. Our Safeguarding Coordinator is Mrs Margaret Collier and can be contacted on 01283 564074. For safeguarding policies and documentation, together with sources of help, see our website:

Get in touch

Parish priest: Rev. Simon Archer

The Vicarage, Rangemore Street,
Burton upon Trent,

DE14 2ED
Parish priest: Rev. Simon Archer
01283 902157

Our website

What's on

Youth Club

Every First, Third Thursday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
St John the Divine, Horninglow
Horninglow Road North, Burton-on-Trent Burton-on-Trent, DE13 0JZ, United Kingdom

The Youth Club It is for any young person aged 11-16.

We meet in the Red Lion house Community Centre, Horninglow Road North (by St John’s Church) from 6.30pm- 8.00pm on the First & Third Thursday of each month (except August).

We invite the young people to come and enjoy a safe environment where they can:
Chill out with friends
Play games
Do craft activities
Have a chat
Enjoy refreshments