11am Matins BCP

Monthly. Every First, Third Sunday at for 1 hour
Holy Trinity, Colemans Hatch
Shepherds Hill Coleman's Hatch Hartfield TN7 4HN, TN7 4HN, United Kingdom

The traditional service of Morning Prayers and sung with a choir.

BCP - The Book of Common Prayer is the traditional service book of the Church of England, and is central to its faith. It was compiled in the 16th Century by Thomas Cranmer. Archbishop of Canterbury during the reigns of Henry VIII and Edward VI. It was modified in 1662 following the restoration of the Monarchy after Cromwell.

Here at Holy Trinity Church the Book of Common Prayer has been and continues to be loved for its wonderful language, dignified and memorable but always speaking to our human condition. It is a prayer book that allows us to honour God and to be guided to live out our lives so that the will of God may always be clearly seen. It is the official doctrinal standard of the Church of England, as well as of most other Churches in the worldwide Anglican Communion.

1st and 3rd Sunday of the Month

Holy Trinity, Colemans Hatch

Holy Trinity Coleman’s Hatch enables Anglican Christians to worship and strengthen their faith through traditional services using the rich and beautiful language in the 1662 Book of Common Prayer (BCP).


1st Sunday Matins BCP

1st Sunday Choral Evensong

2nd Sunday Holy Communion BCP

3rd Sunday Matins BPC

4th Sunday Holy Communion BCP

5th Sunday Alternate between St.Mary's Hartfield and Holy Trinity Coleman's Hatch.

Check the website for further details: www.colemanshatchchurch.org

Get in touch

The Revd Julie Anne Caradoc SEAR

The Rectory
Church Street

Web Administrator
01892 770436

Our website

What's on

11am Matins BCP

Monthly. Every First, Third Sunday at for 1 hour
Holy Trinity, Colemans Hatch
Shepherds Hill Coleman's Hatch Hartfield TN7 4HN, TN7 4HN, United Kingdom

The traditional service of Morning Prayers and sung with a choir.

BCP - The Book of Common Prayer is the traditional service book of the Church of England, and is central to its faith. It was compiled in the 16th Century by Thomas Cranmer. Archbishop of Canterbury during the reigns of Henry VIII and Edward VI. It was modified in 1662 following the restoration of the Monarchy after Cromwell.

Here at Holy Trinity Church the Book of Common Prayer has been and continues to be loved for its wonderful language, dignified and memorable but always speaking to our human condition. It is a prayer book that allows us to honour God and to be guided to live out our lives so that the will of God may always be clearly seen. It is the official doctrinal standard of the Church of England, as well as of most other Churches in the worldwide Anglican Communion.

1st and 3rd Sunday of the Month

Holy Trinity, Colemans Hatch Charity No. 610477