Wardens message for the last week of October

Latest news from the Parish of Goring by Sea. 23rd October 2020.

Parish Office. Email: [email protected] Tel: 01903 709163

Open for Prayer

St Mary’s Church is open for prayer every day from 10 am to 3 pm.

St Laurence’s Church can be opened by request.

(Please contact Ruth Jepson email:

[email protected] or telephone 01903 620080 or 07860 641915)

Please register for all Church services at the Parish Office.

Face coverings should be worn in church at all services.

Services in St Mary’s and St Laurence’s Churches this week

09.00 Sunday 25th October. Said Eucharist. (Book of Common Prayer). St Mary’s

11.00 Sunday 25th. October. Said Eucharist. (Common Worship). St Mary’s (Also live streamed via Facebook) There will be a retiring collection at both Eucharist services for the Izulu Orphan’s Project. 10.00 Thursday 29th October. Said Eucharist. Common Worship. St Laurence’s

Online services this week

11.00 Sunday.The Eucharist on Sunday, live from St Mary’s Church.

Streamed on https://www.facebook.com/StMaryAndStLaurenceGoringBySea/

10.00 Wednesday. Morning Prayer will be said via Zoom.

https://www.zoom.us Meeting ID: 955 2642 8233 Password: 386017

Additional services and changes for November

Sunday 1st November

Said Eucharist. Book of Common Prayer. St Mary’s. Please note that this will be at 8.00 am not 9.00 am

All Age Worship. 10.00 am. (not a Eucharist) St. Mary’s. (Also live streamed via Facebook). This will replace the 11.00 am Eucharist.

We are trialing a shorter child friendly service. All children will be given an activity bag to include colouring and crafts to do during the service (seated in the pew) and/or take away; and because the children told us they like this about St Mary’s – a biscuit! This shorter service will have music and the very popular animation cartoon gospel. Children will read and say prayers with their adult family members. We will continue to adhere to strict social distancing and family bubbles.

Please book your place via the Parish office. ‘Family bubbles’ please Book a Pew - giving details of who will be in your bubble (up to 6 people).

Please remember to register your name for either the 8.00 a.m. or 10.00 a.m service. We will be creating new registers for these two services. Please also remember that the All-Age Worship does NOT include the Eucharist.

Sunday 1st November Commemoration Service. 3.00 pm. St. Mary’s Church. Please see details on next page.

Sunday 8th. November Remembrance Sunday Service at 10.45 am. in St Mary’s Church (also live streamed via Facebook)

Commemoration Service – 1st November

This service will include music, prayers and readings and the names of those who have died will be read out. There will be an opportunity to light a candle in memory of your loved one. We hope it will be an occasion for you to find comfort and healing as we each bring our ongoing journey of bereavement to God and share together in this time of reflection and remembrance.

After the service, tea and cake will be served in the Hall.

If you wish to attend this service, please register via the Parish Office and if you intend to have tea afterwards. If you want the name of a loved one read out, please let the Office know.

Sunday 8th November On behalf of Archdeacon Luke, Fr Keith will be admitting the re elected Churchwardens to their office and commissioning the Assistant (Local) Wardens during the 9.00 a.m. Holy communion Service

Parish Mission Focus October/December 2020

A very successful Soup and Ploughman’s lunch was held last

Saturday in aid of iZulu Orphan Projects. Very many thanks to all

those who attended and also those who supported this

worthwhile charity by making a donation. Also, many thanks to

our wonderful group of helpers who worked so hard behind the

scenes. There are also some quiz sheets available at the back of

church and some jars of homemade plum chutney for sale.

Janet Annis

Marmalade Sales for Family Support Work

As you probably know, I make a lot of marmalade at the beginning of the year and you kindly make donations for it in the following months. Because of the lockdown the marmalade took a little longer to “sell” this year, but I am sure you will be pleased to know that I was able to send a cheque for £250 to FSW last week. Thank you all very much for “ buying “ it. Penelope Corp

A gentle reminder: it would be very much appreciated that unless you have a duty i.e. sanitising the church or putting away equipment, everyone should leave our churches as quickly and as quietly as possible after a service. Please enjoy conversations and fellowship outside.

Donations You can donate direct to the Parish of Goring by Sea and

our various fund-raising events by using this QR code.

Pastoral visits

Please let Fr. Keith or the Wardens know if you have a personal pastoral concern or may know of someone in need.

God Bless,