In for a Penny or in for a Pound?

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All Saints' which is mentioned in the Domesday Book and has over 3000 people buried in our churchyard since 1273 and we feel we owe it to future generations to keep the church in good order.
The old worn out louvres on the South side of the tower need replacing and the tower clock has stopped working.

Would you participate in these 2 essential projects by donating one penny per year of the church's history (£7.50) or 10 pence per year (£75.00) or even one pound for each year (£750.00).

Any and every donation will be very much appreciated and once our target has been reached, there will be an evening reception and drinks for all donors to the appeal.

Please contact our treasurer Kate Eckett at [email protected] or call 01296 630461 / 07900 828621 to register and pledge your donation.