Rector's Update

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Dear Friends,

Welcome to the weekly news bulletin from All Saints, lots of things to share with you this week, so put your feet up and have a read....


After sharing news last week about the cross designed by Rachael Brind-Surch it has been lovely to see the coverage it has received both online and in our local paper. If you would like to have a go at designing your own cross that reflects our community Rachael has kindly produced two templates that you can print off and have a play with. If you don't have a printer at home please get in touch and we will arrange to have some copies posted out to you. Do send a photo of your design and we can share them next week.

Little Saint Kezia (age 7) set us all an art challange a couple of weeks ago at the Sunday morning Zoom social. She asked people to create something on the theme of nature. She judged all the entries and would like to announce the joint winners are Margaret Stevens with an Iris and Rachael Brind-Surch with a Magnolia. Attached to this email are the designs and a lovely picture of Kezia who set the challenge.

If you would like to suggest a creative activity for us all to have a go at let me know and we can share it in our weekly email.


This week we launched a community virtual choir, inviting people to sign up to record 'We'll meet again,' in time for releasing on VE Day this coming Friday. So far over 60 people have signed up which is fantastic. To take part email Emma on [email protected] but don't delay. Deadline for submissions is midnight on Monday 4th May.


If you would like to be part of the conversation taking forward the themes we explored during Lent please get in touch with Revd Emily who is convening the first on-line conversation on Sunday 10th May. She would love to hear from anyone who is feeling inspired about caring for God's creation and wants to help All Saints become an eco-church community. If zoom video confencing is not for you don't worry, email and phone calls can help you stay connected and involved so do please drop Emily a line and let her know you are interested: [email protected]


I do hope you are in regular contact with other All Saints folk, I know people are looking out for one another which is lovely to hear about. We have now established a team of people who are regularly calling everyone. Revd Mark and I are grateful to Angela Woodward, Jean Taylor, Claire Gregson, Kate Burns, Gwyn Bates, Tom Carslake, Emma Pimm, Steve Mottram, Anne Johnson, Anne Meredith, Deb Green, Lesley Carroll and Phillippa Taylor for their support in helping us to care for one another. If you have not received a call from anyone or you are aware of someone who you feel would appreciate a call from the church pastoral team please get in touch with Mark: [email protected]

You can also contact Mark if you would like to be part of our new 'prayer partner' scheme where members of the congregation commit to remembering a specific person in their prayers.

Other great ways to stay connected include joining the All Saints Social Facebook group and for all those with young children at home there is a WhatsApp group too. Get in touch to find out more.


Tomorrow morning head to our Youtube page from 9.30am for Little Saints worship and then from 10.00am our Communion service is available to watch.

A social time of catching up is then available via Zoom from 11.00am - 12 noon. Drop in for a while or stay for the hour. It is always nice to see people.

Join Zoom Meeting by contacting us and requesting the link


Thank you for all the feedback about Evensong last Sunday, we shall definitely do it again. This week at 6pm I shall be hosting 'Conversation and Compline.' I shall be joined by two members of our church community for a conversation about lockdown life and faith and then we shall finish with the simple service of Compline (Night Prayer.) All being well if the technology works and the internet remains stable you will be able to view this live at 6pm on our Youtube Channel. The service of night prayer we shall follow can be found here:


Morning Prayer every day 9.00am on our Facebook Page.

Evening Prayer via Zoom 7.00pm Monday to Friday

Contact us for zoom joining details

New this week: Book of Common Prayer Holy Communion 10.00am live streamed on our Facebook Page. Join Revd Mark as he experiments with leading this gentle traditional service from his home.

Ministers Musing: Join Revd Wendy and guests discussing the bible passages for the following Sunday at 2pm on Tuesday on our Youtube Channel.


Whatever your week holds I do hope you will find points of connection with God and with our church family. I know I am having good days and bad days in this strange lockdown world and am drawing great strength from being part of a caring, praying and creative church family.

Yours in Christ

Reverend Wendy Dalrymple

Rector of All Saints with Holy Trinity

01509 268362