All Saints News 23rd May


Dear Friends,

Welcome to this week's Saturday bulletin from All Saints.


Join us for worship online tomorrow morning:

9.00am Morning Prayer

9.30am Little Saints Ascension Day


Daily morning prayer at 0900 on Facebook

Evening prayer on Zoom during the week 7pm, please contact us for joining details

Midweek Eucharist using the Book of Common prayer 1000 Wednesdays on Facebook

All the above services are available to view again afterwards. Thank you to everyone who contributes and for the feedback you send us. We would love to include as many people as possible in the service we are recording for Pentecost. (31st May) Please send a picture of yourself, or a small video clip of you sharing the peace using sign language, to Emma via [email protected] it would be great to see as many faces as possible from our All Saints church family. Our choirs are working on some special pieces too for our Pentecost celebration so stay tuned...!!


Please drop in between 11 and 12 tomorrow via Zoom to say hello. Emma Trounson will be hosting the refreshments hour this week. I look forward to seeing you there. Please contact us for the zoom link.

Time: May 24, 2020 11:00 AM London


You may be aware that over the last few years Chris Knight and Phillippa Taylor have been exploring a calling towards ordained ministry and have been preparing to go to what is called a Bishop's Advisory Panel (BAP) for the final stage of that discernment process. Under normal circumstances this would be a residential gathering over three days however this was conducted over online video conference calls last week. Please pray for them as they wait for news.


This year local giving in Christian Aid Week has been through a variety of different channels. These included a number of Just Giving pages, locally banked cheques and bank transfers plus known about gifts direct to Christian Aid nationally. As local treasurer I have now totalled the money I know about and I am pleased to share that across Loughborough this May £5000 has been raised for Christian Aid. Thanks to everyone who has given, in whatever way. Gifts can also still be made. Your donations are greatly appreciated and will support much needed work in poor communities. In addition to the various challenges these people have they, like us, continue to face coronavirus (but without the resources we have around us).

Martyn Speight

Loughborough Christian Aid Supporters Treasurer


A number of people joined Revd Emily to follow up our Lent theme of Care for God's Creation. There was a fantastic buzz of conversation with lots of energy for ideas of how we might become an Eco Church and work in partnership with our local community to help us all tread lightly upon the earth. As part of this Emily is going to be leading a course newly written from the Green Christian movement called Radical Presence, an opportunity to reflect with others on what the current Covid-19 pandemic is teaching us. Will our civilisation get back to normal? Or was normal already finished? What kind of community are we learning to be? What kind of work really matters? When confinement is over, how do we want to emerge? If you would like to join in the first session is Monday 18th. But I’m sure there are places available. Contact [email protected] to find out more and book a place.


The national church has a very good facility for the more technologically challenged (like me!) You just phone 0800 804 8044 and hear prayers and hymns. Please pass it on to anyone who may be interested.

Walsingham pilgrimage is online on 25th May. Live coverage of the National Pilgrimage celebrations commence at 11.45am on Monday 25 May. Visit their website, Facebook, YouTube and Vimeo from 11.45am to worship with them.

Thy kingdom come is a global wave of prayer. There are lots of resources on their web page to help us all pray in creative ways.


The nurse and reformer Florence Nightingale, the bicentenary of whose birth was celebrated on Tuesday, was compelled by a deep spiritual calling. Throughout her life, she referred to a “calling” from God which she received on 7 February 1837, when she was 16. Later, she wrote: “I have seen His face, the crown of glory inseparably united with the crown of thorns, giving forth the same light. Three times he has called me: once to His service (7 February 1837), once to be a Deliverer (7 May 1852), once to the cross (28 July 1865), to suffer more even than I have hitherto done.”


We now have our Prayer Partner scheme up and running where those who wish are given the name of one other person in our church community to pray for regularly during this crisis. Revd Mark has linked linking people together and has provided some resources to help people have a go at praying. If you would like to be part of the scheme, please get in touch with Mark who will be pleased to get you paired up with someone. [email protected]


Wendy has been greatly encouraged by the response to the Ministers Muse which has been broadcast on Tuesdays as part of her preaching preparation. She has found it useful to engage with the scriptures alongside other people. The next one of these will be on 26th May at 12 noon. Meanwhile our Diocesan Communications team are producing some excellent videos and podcasts to help us all reflect on our faith. The link for the podcasts is below, a new one is released every Thursday and this week you may hear a familiar voice on the theme of the Eucharist...


What have you felt during this strange time? Have you felt drawn closer to God? Have you felt distant? There is no wrong answer. As I was ill, I felt drawn closer to God and knew that this would take a greater commitment than I had given. My answer was to join the Sodality of Mary, an organisation which has a rule of life, which includes regular prayer and a routine of meeting together, giving me a prompt in the busyness of life, to get organised (setting my phone to nudge me has also helped!). But one size does not fit all, so please feel free to talk to me or anyone on the ministry team to share joys and sadnesses.

Reverend Mark Carroll

Curate of All Saints with Holy Trinity