All Saints News 10th October

Church_news From_the_Vicar Community_news News_about_our_building Notices

Dear Friends,

Welcome to your weekly email bulletin from All Saints....

Sunday Worship

We have three services tomorrow:

9.00am Morning Prayer on

10.30am Parish Communion in the church building (please note this service wont be live streamed tomorrow)

6.00pm Evensong live streamed on

At Communion will shall be celebrating with Dulcie and Rachael their confirmation which happened last Sunday evening in a lovely service led by Bishop Guli at Barrow. Rachael will also be our preacher as she begins exploring a calling to ordained ministry. Our music will be led by Kate and Will Burns. The readings are:

Exodus 32.1-14, Philippians 4.1-9 and Matthew 22.1-14

We are still looking to recruit a few more people who would be willing to be trained to run the live stream equipment from church so we can do this every week. Do get in touch if you think you could help.

For those looking for an online service to watch tomorrow morning the national Church of England service can be found here:

At 6pm Martyn Davison will lead a prayer book Evensong service with the support of some of the adult choir members. This is a zoom led service which will be live streamed to our Youtube channel. You can follow the order of service by downloading it from our website.

Wombling Away

There was much activity on the Parish Green again today with beds being cleared and paths tidied. Most Saturdays you will find a group gathering to care for this space, connecting with God and building community through caring for creation. If you would like to find out more or get involved drop Emily a line, new Wombles are always welcome! [email protected]

Pilgrim: The Eucharist

A new group begins this Tuesday 7.30pm on Zoom exploring the theme of prayer and worship through the lens of communion. It is a relaxed conversational style of gathering and great way to get to know other people in the church and learn and grow together. Drop me a line if you would like to join in, we shall be meeting fortnightly.

Next Sunday

In our ongoing efforts to think of ways to help our church community stay connected, next Sunday there will be an online zoom 'coffee and chat' after the church service, especially for those who have watched the service at home.

As always if you are coming to the church building tomorrow please remember hands, face and space and don't forget the October Herald has news of all services and groups meeting this month. Do read and share with friends.

The Herald

The Herald is the monthly newsletter for the parish church of All Saints with Holy Trinity, Loughborough.

Go to this Sway -

Yours in Christ

Reverend Wendy Dalrymple

Rector of All Saints with Holy Trinity