All Saints News 14th November

Church_news From_the_Vicar Community_news News_about_our_building

Dear Friends,

Here is a quick update from me (before Strictly which as you may know I am a big fan of!)

Our communion service tomorrow will be broadcast live on our YouTube Channel at the usual time of 10.30am. A small team will be in the church building to make this possible for which I am very grateful.

The readings tomorrow are 1 Thessalonians 5.1-11 and Matthew 25.14-30

I will be preaching and music will be provided by Simon Headley and Motje Wolf.

After the service there will be a <strong>social time on zoom</strong> hosted this week by Liz Piki who will be very pleased to see you. Drop in for 5 minutes to say hello or stay a while. The call will open once the service finishes so sometime between 11.15 and 11.30 and will finish by 12.30 at the latest.

<strong>Zoom link</strong>

Meeting ID: 922 0345 1507

Passcode: 349886

<strong>Zoom phone number for those dialling in:</strong>

Either 020 3481 5237 or 020 3481 5240

Meeting ID: 922 0345 1507

<strong>Connections with local charities</strong>

To help us deepen and strengthen our relationship with our local community we would love to know what connections people from our congregation already have with local charities and organisations. Have a look at the document attached and please fill in if you can and return to [email protected].

<strong>Church Community</strong>

A reminder for those who use Facebook that we have a Facebook church social group which in a pre-covid world was a space to arrange to do social things together but this year has become a great place to just stay connected and encourage one another. Search All Saints Social and send a request to join.


The ministry team continues to lead prayer every day on Facebook praying for our church, community and the wider world. If you have a particular prayer requests you can send it to <strong>[email protected]</strong> or phone me and leave a message. Prayer requests are shared with all those who lead Morning Prayer through the week. You can ask for your prayers to be held confidentially by us if you wish.

<strong>Coming Up.....Christmas is coming!!!</strong>

Despite everything that is going on we are still making plans for Advent and Christmas worship and events both on and offline for all eventualities! The delayed Herald will be out in the next couple of days with lots of updates so do look out for that.

Revd Wendy