All Saints News 5th December

christmas Church_news From_the_Vicar News_about_our_building

Dear Friends,

Tomorrow morning in keeping with tier 3 regulations we are able to welcome people back to the church building for worship with the now familiar covid secure practices of face coverings, hand sanitizer and social distancing. It will be lovely to see those who feel able to gather for our all age <strong>Celebration Communion </strong>service in the church but we shall also be live streaming on YouTube mindful that not everyone will be able to come.

Doors will open at 10.00am, please follow the directions of the stewards and at the end of the service disperse promptly keeping distance from those not in your household. For those watching at home tune in to Youtube for 10.30am.

The order of service is on our website

<strong>Morning Prayer </strong>will be led Liz Piki on Facebook at 9.00am and she will also be hosting our <strong>social 'coffee and chat' on zoom after the communion service. </strong>

Meeting ID: 933 7623 9538 Passcode: 946534

In the evening we have the second of our <strong>Advent reflections 'Waiting for the Light' </strong>led on zoom by Penny Pullen at 6pm including music, readings and prayer. This service is <strong>not live streamed </strong>so please join on the zoom link below to join in with this service or phone in instead:

Join Zoom Meeting at this link:

Meeting ID: 883 6210 2409
Passcode: 749201
Dial in instead:
0203 901 7895 or 0131 460 1196
Using Meeting ID: 883 6210 2409
Passcode: 749201

Now that we have a clearer picture from the government regulations and the Church of England on what is permissible over the coming month, I can announce that we have planned a week of special services in the run up to Christmas and I do hope you will be able to join in either by coming to the building or watching from home. To help us manage these services safely <strong>admission will be by ticket only, </strong>which can be obtained free of charge or by making a donation. The link for tickets is by each event but you can also get tickets by calling the parish office on 01509 217029.

Monday 21st <strong>Mayor's Community Carol Service </strong>7pm

Tuesday 22nd <strong>Folk Carol Service</strong> 7pm

Wednesday 23rd <strong>The Christmas Blues</strong> 7pm

Thursday 24th <strong>Christmas Eve</strong>

Carols on the Green 4pm - no ticket needed

Midnight Mass 11.30pm

Friday 25th <strong>Christmas Day </strong>Celebration Communion 10.30am

In addition, the church will be festooned with Christmas Trees from 19th December to 3rd January and we aim to open the building each morning if we can to welcome visitors for this mini <strong>Christmas Tree Festival.</strong>

All of these events require the help of volunteers so if you think you could offer to help either at a service or for visitors please contact Gwyn Bates on [email protected]

Lastly this weekend we are launching our <strong>Christmas Gift Appeal </strong>which I do hope you might feel able to support. This year more than ever before we have all realised the value of technology to enable us to stay connected. Thanks to the generosity of members of our church we have been borrowing equipment and experimenting with live stream services so that everyone has access to worship, concerts and community events. With your help we would now like to make this a permanent feature of our work by upgrading our struggling sound system and installing equipment that will enable us to live stream and record services and events with ease. Your gift will help us make this investment so that even beyond the pandemic we can continue to make worship and concerts accessible to everyone in our community. If you would like to make a gift to this campaign please use the link below or make a donation when you come to church.

And very lastly.... for those who like a bedtime story I have begun reading The Christmas Mystery each evening on Facebook at 6.45pm - a children's book but I think it's great for grown ups too!

Best Wishes

Revd Wendy