Thought for the day - Saturday 21st November

Thought for the Day - What’s in a Candle?

During a recent visit to Hereford Cathedral, Catherine and I came across the shrine of St Thomas of Hereford. Just like multitudes of pilgrims for hundreds of years we took up the offer to light a candle and say a prayer for a personal and private intention.

Just by the shrine were the following words. As you read them perhaps you will think of times present and past when the words have real meaning for you personally.

Lighting a candle is a PRAYER.

When we have gone it stays alight, continuing our prayer.

Continuing our prayer of thanksgiving and intercession for those in need.

Lighting a candle is a PARABLE

Burning itself out it gives light to others.

Christ gave himself to others.

He calls us to give ourselves.

Lighting a candle is a SYMBOL,

Of love and hope

Of light and warmth

Our world needs them all

For me personally, lighting a candle and saying a prayer are the door-openers that help make small and big miracles happen such as happened in St Catherine’s the other day, when a couple came into church to pray and left £250 worth of Tesco vouchers for the Food Bank.

When we light a candle to guide our prayers, we acknowledge that our Saviour Jesus Christ is the Light of the World and His light shines both for us and in us.

St Catherine’s Church is open every Monday from 11a.m to 1p.m, on Thursdays from 6 p.m to 7p.m and Saturdays from 10a.m to 12 noon for quiet prayer

Everyone is welcome and candles are provided.

God Bless
