Come & See

A big, warm invitation

Come and See is for anyone enquiring about faith, returning to faith after many years or moving to a new place in their faith in the disorientation of the pandemic. Why not join us in your local church throughout Lent?

Who is it for?

It's an invitation to everyone, for everyone - for anyone who feels adrift, whether or not they know anything about the Christian faith.

Find out more

Come and See invites people to discover Christ for the first time and helps those who may have become distant from their faith, to reconnect once more with it, but also helps those with an established faith on their discipleship journey.

How do you find out more

It couldn’t be easier: you could come to one of the services or talks in your local church through Lent or join one of its online services, you could call your Rector, Revd Neil Bowler (Tel: 788005) and talk with him about it, or you could explore at home the material on the Oxford Diocese website: