Passover Meal at St Peter's Hook Norton

for 1 hour
Hook Norton: St. Peter's Church
Hook Norton: St. Peter's Church, High Street Hook Norton Banbury, OX15 5NH, United Kingdom

Maundy Thursday
Please sign the list in the church or contact [email protected]

Swerford: St Mary

Welcome to St Mary's Swerford

Please see information on our sister churches here .


The current situation with the re-opening of church buildings and the opportunity to worship together is changing all the time so please do keep watching these pages and Facebook for more information.

We are back worshipping in church with very few restrictions so please join us.

St Mary's is open for private prayer again every Day.

We will do all we can to still keep in contact to offer spiritual care through Facebook and website.

See here for various resources to help at this time.

Would you like someone from the church to give you a phone call-simply for a chat, or to discuss your needs? Our Rector, Janet Faull on 01608 737223 ([email protected]) would be pleased to hear from you. If there is someone else who might be pleased to know of this please pass on the message.

Be assured of our prayers and we hope you all keep well. Revd Janet


St Mary's Church was founded in the late 12th Century by the monks of Osney Abbey. It is valued for its ancient heritage, its beauty and its calm atmosphere of dedication and contemplation. 

Services tend to be traditional in nature, most using the Book of Common Prayer.

The mission of St Mary's is to be the focal point of village life, thereby promoting the Christian faith.

We take Safeguarding very seriously. If you have any concerns, for the safety of yourself or for another, please contact the Safeguarding Officer, Jenny Mead, on 07951 092 227 or by emailing [email protected], or alternatively contact Revd Janet Faull (Rector) on 01608 737223 or [email protected]. Our safeguarding policy can be viewed via the link .

Get in touch

Benefice Administrator

What's on

Passover Meal at St Peter's Hook Norton

for 1 hour
Hook Norton: St. Peter's Church
Hook Norton: St. Peter's Church, High Street Hook Norton Banbury, OX15 5NH, United Kingdom

Maundy Thursday
Please sign the list in the church or contact [email protected]