The Place

Monthly. Every Third Sunday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
Chelmsford: St Andrew
Chignal Road/Melbourne Avenue CHELMSFORD Essex, CM1 2JB, United Kingdom

The Place is an informal ecumenical worship service that takes place at 6.30pm on the third Sunday of the month. It is at The Place that we will have space to spend time worshipping God with music, in prayer and listening to a short talk. The Place is a place where you can come to encounter God; a place where you can be filled with the Holy Spirit; and a place where you can just 'be'.

Chelmsford: St Andrew


Saint Andrew’s Church is committed to safeguarding children, young people, victims and perpetrators of domestic abuse and vulnerable adults. The PCC has adopted the Church of England's policies and best practice on safeguarding, which may be found on the Church of England's website:

Our Parish Safeguarding Officers are Linda Robinson and Sandra Way who may be contacted via email at [email protected].

The Chelmsford Diocese Safeguarding Team can be contacted at 01245 294444 or [email protected].

Social Services Contact numbers: 0345 603 7630 for adult social services, 0345 603 7627 for children’s social services. Out of hours for both on 0345 606 1212

In a safeguarding emergency dial 999

Get in touch

Rev Simon Pearce

Priest in charge
01245 496722

Our website

What's on

The Place

Monthly. Every Third Sunday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
Chelmsford: St Andrew
Chignal Road/Melbourne Avenue CHELMSFORD Essex, CM1 2JB, United Kingdom

The Place is an informal ecumenical worship service that takes place at 6.30pm on the third Sunday of the month. It is at The Place that we will have space to spend time worshipping God with music, in prayer and listening to a short talk. The Place is a place where you can come to encounter God; a place where you can be filled with the Holy Spirit; and a place where you can just 'be'.