The Aldborough Benefice

Each month we publish on-line an illustrated news letter featuring the dates and times of service, events and activities of St John's Church, Seven Kings and St Peter's, Aldborough Hatch that form our Benefice. These newsletters are sent out by email to members. Please contact Rev. Kate Lovesey if you would like to receive a copy. The Aldborough also includes a short monthly reflection and a sample is provided below:

March 1st is an important day in Wales. It is a day when many young school children will dress up in national costume and celebrate the life of their patron saint. Also, the Welsh will wear a daffodil or leek, their national emblem.

We don’t know much about St. David. We do know that he lived in the 6th century, was Welsh, and became a teacher, a monk and a bishop. He also established churches and founded numerous monasteries, one of which was at St. David’s. It was here that he died on 1st March between 589-601, possibly aged 90.

St. David and his monks lived in extreme hardship. They believed that this was the way to subdue carnal desires and to grow spiritually. They spent their time in lengthy prayer, devoted studies and hard manual labour.

If you haven’t been to St. David’s Cathedral its worth a visit. Unlike many Cathedrals, built on a prominent position, this lies in a small valley. Next to it are the grand remains of a medieval palace which dates from the late 13th and 14th centuries.

The last words of St David were ‘Be joyful, keep the faith and do the little things that you have heard and seen me do’. Although, according to legend, he performed a number of miracles, St David wanted to be remembered for his small tasks. We may not be called by God to do ‘great things’, but we can all do little acts of goodness. Let’s keep the faith, and be joyful, in the service of our Lord Jesus.