Easter Vigil with the lighting of the New Fire and renewal of baptismal vows

for 1 hour, 45 mins
St Michael & All Angels
Northcote Road/Palmerston Road WALTHAMSTOW, LONDON., E17 6PQ, United Kingdom

This Saturday evening service is the culmination of the Triduum (three days) when the New Fire is lit, the new Paschal Candle blessed and processed into church, and the Exultet is sung (Rejoice heavenly powers). The seven readings and psalms tell the wondrous Old Testament story from the Creation to the prophets who understand that God wants to save his people. This is all preparation for the Holy Gospel when Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James and Salome go to the tomb to anoint the body of Jesus, and they find that the great stone has been rolled away from the entrance and that Jesus has risen from the dead. And don't forget that the clocks go forward tonight!

St Michael & All Angels

St Michael and all Angels' is a friendly multicultural church located in the heart of Walthamstow, very close to the vibrant high street.

We are currently in interregnum at St Michael's but are looking forward to our new full-time priest very, very soon.

We would like to thank Fr. Alex Summers and his family for their hard work and for bringing the community together in the 6 years they were with us. 

Please pop in and join us at one of our services. You can also follow us on Facebook and Instagram @stmichaelstow.

God Bless

Get in touch

Church Warden

Northcote Road (Corner of Palmerston Road)
Walthamstow, London, E17 7DT

To hire the church hall, please contact Mrs J Middlemiss, 07946 179441.

E17 7DT
Ms G Williams, Church Warden
What's on

Easter Vigil with the lighting of the New Fire and renewal of baptismal vows

for 1 hour, 45 mins
St Michael & All Angels
Northcote Road/Palmerston Road WALTHAMSTOW, LONDON., E17 6PQ, United Kingdom

This Saturday evening service is the culmination of the Triduum (three days) when the New Fire is lit, the new Paschal Candle blessed and processed into church, and the Exultet is sung (Rejoice heavenly powers). The seven readings and psalms tell the wondrous Old Testament story from the Creation to the prophets who understand that God wants to save his people. This is all preparation for the Holy Gospel when Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James and Salome go to the tomb to anoint the body of Jesus, and they find that the great stone has been rolled away from the entrance and that Jesus has risen from the dead. And don't forget that the clocks go forward tonight!