Lent group goes to the movies

Every Wednesday at for 1 hour, 45 mins
St Michael's Vicarage
St Michael's Vicarage, 20 Soho Avenue Handsworth, B18 5LB, United Kingdom

We're basing our Lent discussions around the film "Chocolat", with open conversation and some Bible study. No need to have seen the film or read the book first, just turn up. We meet in the Vicarage at 20, Soho Avenue, at 7pm on Tuesdays and 11:30am (after the 10:30am Eucharist). An hour and a half of friendly but purposeful chat, tea coffee and biscuits to keep us going.

...also on Tuesday evenings at 7:00pm

Bishop Latimer United Church, Latimer Hall, Beeton Road

Hello!  Welcome to Bishop Latimer United Church, a join venture of the Church of England and the United Reformed Church serving the people of Winson Green.  We meet in Latimer Hall on Beeton Road, just behind the former Parish Church building which stands on the corner (not a place of worship for the Seventh Day Adventist Church)  We are a small, friendly congregation, faithfullywitnessing to the love of God over many years in this diverse and rapidly changing community and always looking for new ways to share that love with those around us.

Get in touch

Rev'd Dominic Melville

Bishop Latimer United Church
60 Beeton Road
Winson Green

B18 4QD
Rev'd Dominic Melville
Rev'd Dominic Melville
What's on

Lent group goes to the movies

Every Wednesday at for 1 hour, 45 mins
St Michael's Vicarage
St Michael's Vicarage, 20 Soho Avenue Handsworth, B18 5LB, United Kingdom

We're basing our Lent discussions around the film "Chocolat", with open conversation and some Bible study. No need to have seen the film or read the book first, just turn up. We meet in the Vicarage at 20, Soho Avenue, at 7pm on Tuesdays and 11:30am (after the 10:30am Eucharist). An hour and a half of friendly but purposeful chat, tea coffee and biscuits to keep us going.

...also on Tuesday evenings at 7:00pm