Pew Slip 30th January 2022

Reading_Sheets_-_30th_January_2022.pdf Download
Notices Church_news


FIRST READING Malachi 3:1-5

SECOND READING Hebrews 2:14-end

PSALM 24: [1-6] 7-end

GOSPEL Luke 2:22-40

Prayers for January Pastoral Cluster: Shepherds Wood

The PCC have resolved that from Sunday 6th February our service time will move to a 10am start.

Jim Ranford’s funeral will take place on 4th February at 10am followed by a wake at Christ Church Centre. After having a service to welcome him back to church on Thursday 3rd February at 6pm. If you are intending to attend his funeral please let Rev Lydia know, to help with numbers for seating and catering purposes.

If you would be interested in a New Year Meal together at the HomeGuard club (£8.50) let Odilla know. See church noticeboard in the centre for more details.

If your loved ones are on our Prayer list please fill in a green slip to include them in our February prayer list.

AGM Reports, our AGM takes place on Sunday 3rd April at 11.00am. Please could groups who prepare reports (Church Warden, Deanery Synod, Singers, Servers, Mothers Union, Flowers, CC Club, Safeguarding, Centre & Treasurer) have these submitted to Revd. Lydia no later than 11th March.

Lent Box Charity collection if anyone has any suggestions for which charity they would like us to support over Lent please put your suggestions on the sheet on the Centre notice board.

This New Year I would like to focus a bit more on our Pastoral Clusters with the aim of having 12 people willing to contact and be connected to a little group.

March 1st Shrove Tuesday Pancake and Movie. We plan to watch ‘The Way’ before following a Lent course entitled ‘The Long Road to Heaven.’ If you would like a course book or to borrow a DVD in advance, Rev Lydia has a number of copies to loan out. Sign up for Shrove Tuesday on the noticeboard.

The Centre has two new fitness groups that have started up, the organiser Dawn is running a Paracise class on Wednesday morning at 10.30am and a Pilates class on Thursday mornings at 9.25. Posters for both classes with more information are displayed in the centre.

Please continue to support The Yardley Wood Food Pantry, please bring donations of food and toiletries and we will pass them on.

We continue to run children’s Learn to ride 1.30 – 2.30 & 2.30 – 3.30 on Sunday afternoons If you would be able to volunteer to help Paul Phillips with these sessions please speak to Rev Lydia.

Services this Week

 9.30am Holy Eucharist in Church (on Facebook & then uploaded to Youtube)

11.30am Family Service

Monday 9.00 am Morning Prayer

Tuesday 12.30 Funeral of Joyce Cutler

Wednesday 10.00am Holy Eucharist in Church (this service will not be streamed)

Thursday 6.00pm Reception of Jim Ranford into church

Friday 10.00am Funeral of Jim Ranford

Services Next Week W/C 6th February 2022

Sunday 10.00am Holy Eucharist in Church (on Facebook & then uploaded to Youtube)

The next ‘Family Service’ takes place Sunday 30th January 2022 at 11.30am

'Come Ready to Celebrate Potential'

This months service we will be hearing the story of Jesus' presentation in the Temple, singing and praying and making our own candles.

Service starts at 11.30am - All Families Welcome

Refreshments will be served in Christ Church Centre after the service