Sunday Morning Holy Communion: 1st Sunday each month at 10am

Monthly. Every First Sunday at for 1 hour
St Barnabas Church, Kinghshurst
St Barnabas Church Overgreen Drive Kingshurst Birmingham, B37 6EY, United Kingdom

We celebrate Holy Communion at either 10am or 11.30am each Sunday morning (except for the third Sunday each month). Our Sunday School meets most weeks, gathering firstly in church before departing to learn together in the church hall. Their return is always joyful as we look forward to hearing all about how they have used their time.

First Sunday of the month: 10.00am: Holy Communion

Second Sunday of the month: 11.30am: Holy Communion

Fourth Sunday of the month: 11.30am: Holy Communion

Fifth Sunday of the month:
11.30am: One Joint Service (usually Holy Communion) alternating between churches, held either here at St Barnabas or at our sister church of All Saints, Shard End.

St Barnabas Church, Kinghshurst

If you are seeking a warm and friendly, welcoming church look no further -we are here! Our building is beautiful in its simplicity, uncluttered and full of natural light -the only thing missing is YOU but that’s easily remedied…

Join us each Sunday at 10am for our main worship service. This will either be a Service of Holy Communion where you are welcome to receive the sacrament (or a blessing, according to your usual practice) or a Service of the Word where your heart and mind will be engaged through Scripture, praise and worship. During both services we sing hymns and afterwards gather for light refreshments and friendly conversation.

If you can’t join us on Sundays or feel you’d prefer a smaller gathering, we meet each Tuesday evening at 7pm for Holy Communion (with healing prayer on the first Tuesday of each month) and at 9am on Wednesdays for Morning Prayer.

We hope to see you very soon -heaven knows you want to come!

The parish of St Barnabas, Kingshurst is committed to the safeguarding of children, young people and adults. See our Safeguarding Section in the menu for further information.

Get in touch

Churchwardens: Mr Robert Bate and Mrs Cyndy Davison

Held by Robert Bate
07784 031 142
Alan & Cyndy Davison- Pastoral Team
0121 770 6152
What's on

Sunday Morning Holy Communion: 1st Sunday each month at 10am

Monthly. Every First Sunday at for 1 hour
St Barnabas Church, Kinghshurst
St Barnabas Church Overgreen Drive Kingshurst Birmingham, B37 6EY, United Kingdom

We celebrate Holy Communion at either 10am or 11.30am each Sunday morning (except for the third Sunday each month). Our Sunday School meets most weeks, gathering firstly in church before departing to learn together in the church hall. Their return is always joyful as we look forward to hearing all about how they have used their time.

First Sunday of the month: 10.00am: Holy Communion

Second Sunday of the month: 11.30am: Holy Communion

Fourth Sunday of the month: 11.30am: Holy Communion

Fifth Sunday of the month:
11.30am: One Joint Service (usually Holy Communion) alternating between churches, held either here at St Barnabas or at our sister church of All Saints, Shard End.