Welcoming the Autumn Changes

It’s starting to feel like Autumn is approaching. With Autumn comes change; a change in the weather, change in routine for those with children at school and a change in the clocks to name but a few.

Change is definitely upon us at St. Peter’s as we enter a period of time without a vicar; an interregnum. Change is so often deemed as negative and scary; however, the Bible tells us change is good. We, at St. Peter’s, are embracing this change and believe God has a plan for us and we need to allow change to grow us as a church.

The process is already underway to find a replacement for Jon; however, this will take time to ensure we find the right fit for our church. During this time, we’d like to reassure everyone that things will resume as normally as possible. Sunday services will be led by visiting clergy or members of the church and the majority of services will go ahead as scheduled, with the exception of 9am services on 30th September, 21st October, 4th & 11th November and 2nd & 16th December. On the majority of these dates there will be a 9am service at St. Giles in Holme, please check the Notice Sheet for details. We are delighted to confirm that Sparks, our group for 0-4s and their parents/carers, previously led by Jon and Ingrid, will continue to run fortnightly on Friday mornings from 9.30am, with the regular Sparks team in attendance.

At this time, we encourage everyone to pray for what lies ahead for St. Peter’s and for Jon & Ingrid as they move to a new Parish. We regularly hold 24 Hour Prayer events at St. Peter’s and we invite everyone to attend our next event on the 6th October, starting at 9am, where there will be prayer stations to focus our prayer on our church at this time. To book a slot, please click here.

We look forward to seeing you throughout the coming months.

God Bless