Sunday Evening Eucharist

Every Sunday at for 1 hour
St. Marienkirche am Alexanderplatz
St. Marienkirche am Alexanderplatz, Karl-Liebknecht-Strasse 8 Berlin | Mitte, 10178, Germany

Young(ish) adults group at Marienkirche
A warm invitation to a dinner or pub get-together after our Sunday evening Eucharist at Marienkirche, always on the last Sunday of the month: something to eat, something to drink and a bit of nice chatting. All are welcome.

St George's Anglican Church

Get in touch

Christopher Jage-Bowler, Pastor

Preussenallee 17-19
D-14052 Berlin

Our website

What's on

Sunday Evening Eucharist

Every Sunday at for 1 hour
St. Marienkirche am Alexanderplatz
St. Marienkirche am Alexanderplatz, Karl-Liebknecht-Strasse 8 Berlin | Mitte, 10178, Germany

Young(ish) adults group at Marienkirche
A warm invitation to a dinner or pub get-together after our Sunday evening Eucharist at Marienkirche, always on the last Sunday of the month: something to eat, something to drink and a bit of nice chatting. All are welcome.