Latest newsletter from Linda, the Rector

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Hello Everyone

The winds have been chilly this week and snow is on the horizon for some parts of the country next week... but isn't it good to see the bulbs starting to push through the soil, the days begin to lengthen, to feel some warm sunshine and to hear occasional bird song on the airwaves. As we emerge into January - the Epiphany season, we think of new beginnings, new hope, and new experiences.

The news has been pretty bleak this week with the revelations about the Post Office. What a stirring to action has come from such a powerful drama telling the story of the sub-post masters who have been encouraged and led by Mr Bates, determined to fight for justice.

It has been good to meet up this week with Youth Group on Tuesday, Coffee Morning today, and I also attended a Christian Breakfast at Frosts this morning and heard an inspirational speaker who used to work with the Counter Terrorism police. What a story she had to share. How we can inspire and encourage each other! It was good to stand in unity this week with folks across the country led by United Christian Broadcasters and Premier Radio to pray the Lord's Prayer at 12 noon on 12th January. May the Lord guide us forward this year to journey effectively, to help others, to be Christ's eyes, ears, mouth, hands and heart, to be compassionate and caring and to do our part to help and to reach out to others, building new bridges, working towards a world of peace, generosity and love.

Thank you to everyone who contributed towards the Christmas Hampers for school families who were in need of some support, last December. People were very generous and the recipients were very grateful. We prepared eleven family Christmas food deliveries to school linked families and also helped another couple of folks who were very grateful. The Church continues to support Food bank with Dee and Malcolm delivering crates of food to foodbank each week. Donations can be left in the Food bank box at 22 Leighton Road or at Toddington Church. Thank you so much for your support.

Chalgrave Church, had a visit from the Architect and builder this week to discuss the upcoming investigative work on a beam in the Nave which is currently propped up by scaffolding. The cause of the damage needs to be identified and then repaired. One Chancel beam, which was suffering from rot, has already been repaired at a cost £10,000, and we have a projected bill for £27,000 for the next stage of investigative work which will involve scaffolding being erected in the body of the church. Then, depending on what is discovered, we face further costs to repair any damage discovered. Please hold the church in your prayers that we can continue to meet for services there when this work gets underway and also for favourable responses to grant applications for funds to help to cover the enormous costs.

This week's services and upcoming events:

Sunday 14th January

9.30 am Chalgrave Church, Holy Communion

11.00 am Toddington Church, Holy Communion

Monday 15th January

9.30 am Morning Prayer, Toddington Church

10.30 am Toddington PCC, Wilkinson Hall

Tuesday 16th January

10.30 am Knitting Group, Wilkinson Hall

Wednesday 17th January

11.00 am to 2.30 pm Winter Warm Lunch and Fellowship gathering at Wilkinson Hall

Thursday 18th January

2.00 pm St George's Fellowship, Wilkinson Hall

Friday 19th January

10.30 am Painting for Pleasure Group, Wilkinson Hall

Saturday 20th January

9.30 am Funeral of Dr Anne Philip, Westoning Church

Sunday 21st January

9.30 am Holy Communion, Chalgrave Church

11.00 am Holy Communion, Toddington Church

6.00 pm Evensong, Toddington Church

In addition to the usual weekly events:

Tuesday 23rd January

Youth Group, Wilkinson Hall, 5.45 pm

Wednesday 24th January

11.00 am Chalgrave Pop Up Tea Room, Tebworth Memorial Hall

11.00 am Winter Warmer lunch and Fellowship, Wilkinson Hall,

Friday 26th January

3.30 pm Messy Church, Wilkinson Hall

Have a good week,and stay warm!

God bless



Toddington and Chalgrave