Thank You!

I am writing to say Thank You to you for all your support over these past six months - your time, commitment, and money. Without your support, the work of our five Churches in our communities across our Benefice simply could not happen. It is tempting to think that somehow things always happen or ‘will be alright on the night’, the truth is that this is rarely the case. As a grassroots organisation with limited resources ‘stuff happens’ in our Churches because someone has kindly volunteered to step in to plug a gap be that from doing a reading during worship, helping out at our Foodbank, or sweeping the church floor. Voluntarily offering of ourselves to support the life of our shared ministry is an important part of Christian discipleship. But I want to emphasise that, in whatever way you support the work of our Churches, your contribution is not taken for granted.

April and May saw four Annual Church Meetings taking place for our five Churches. Cottered and Throcking share a Joint Church Council so ‘share’ one Annual Church Meeting. A big thank you to those who have stepped down from Parochial Church Council committees this time around after many years of faithful service between them including, Harriet Roche (Ardeley), Lynn Spicer, Tony Williams (Benington), Alan Bennett and Rachel Edwards (Walkern). Welcome to new members Clare Baker (Benington) and Tom Nutley (Walkern). An extra big thank you to our erstwhile Churchwardens who have agreed to continue for at least one more year (!), Jackie Hayward (Ardeley), Kathy Cassells and Lesley Greensmith (Cottered & Throcking), Beverley Harlow and Maggie Hawkins (Walkern). I want to pay tribute too to our PCC Secretaries who shoulder much of the administration supporting our PCCs, Julie Tyers (Ardeley), Christine Brown (Benington), Kathy Cassells (Cottered & Throcking) and Miki Phillips (Walkern). Our committees have some vacancies, including for churchwardens at Ardreley and Benington. If you would like to consider one of these roles or would like more information on the work of any of our committees, please speak to me or any of the committee members. Being part of the structures that help our Churches to think through and develop strategies for moving forwards into the future can be great fun!

You can read Annual Reports for each Church on the various websites at A Church Near You and at Churches Together in Benington and Walkern.

The Coronation of King Charles III was a momentous occasion for all of our Churches and the village communities we serve. Alongside the deep spiritual significance of the occasion commemorated in all of our worship, much fun was had by all. A number of Coronation events including the Flower Festival at Cottered have taken place. A number of projects within our Churches are also underway. The new oak posts around the War Memorial at Ardeley look splendid. Well done Ardeley PCC for bringing this project to fruition! A new Coronation Hedge is being planned for St Mary’s Churchyard at Walkern and Benington PCC is thinking hard about commissioning a Royal Coat of Arms for St Peter’s. Future generations will be able to look back and take note of how their forbears marked this historic moment in time and the important part played by their own Parish Church.

Over the last year much time has been given over to ensuring that each of our Church buildings is up to date with its quinquennial survey. It is the statutory responsibility of each PCC to make sure that the church building is surveyed by an architect appropriately experienced and qualified to survey such historic buildings. We hold within our care some amazing ecclesiastical gems which both inspire with their great age and design as well as being sacred places for many for solace and quiet meditation. Each Church now has an active Fabric Committee in place and each of our five Churches is currently in the process of undergoing some degree of essential repairs. At Ardeley plans are afoot for major works to low-level masonry and stained-glass. After many years of debate, Benington is close to completing essential repairs to the Chapel. Cottered and Throcking are having some roof repairs effected whilst at Walkern the Chancel Roof is all set to be re-tiled. Apologies for any disruption these works may cause. We manage five building sites! £6 000 has been spent on quinquennial reports over the last little while, which sounds like a lot, however, these very detailed reports mean that we can develop clear strategies for works moving forwards. St Mary’s, Walkern will have its next quinquennial survey done sometime later this year.

A particular joy this past Easter was to see three members of St Mary’s, Walkern Confirmed by Bishop Richard, the Bishop of Bedford, in St Albans Cathedral. I know that the journey of faith has been profound for each of them, and it is our particular privilege to continue to walk together beside them as they each find their place within the life and place of God’s Church.

If you think the Church can be of any help to you, don’t hesitate to be in touch!

God Bless, Mark  

Photo: Repair works to the Mortuary Chapel at St Peter's, Benington.