Thank You!

I am writing to say Thank You to you for all the support and help that you give in enabling the work and ministry of our churches to flourish. Thank you for your time, for your commitment and for your money. This past year has not always been easy as the cost-of-living crisis and high mortgage interest rates have impacted the standard of living of many people. As a grassroots organisation, our churches are entirely dependent upon the shared pool of resources that we bring and share together. Thank You for your continued generosity. It is this offering of ourselves that is the hallmark of Christian discipleship, a manifestation of God’s love with which we are blessed and through which, by God’s grace, we bless each other. The result means that there has been much to celebrate over these past six months.

Work with our two Church Schools at Ardeley and Benington has continued to flourish. Both schools now use their local church not just as a place for worship and special services but equally as a learning environment. Our churches make for great classrooms in which to learn about RE topics, art and history. It is both a privilege and a pleasure for me to deliver these lessons and to watch as young minds engage and learn to appreciate for themselves the ecclesiastical gems in their midst. Looking ahead, Ardeley School is preparing for a SIAMS Inspection (Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools) in 2024. This is the Church’s equivalent of an OFSTED inspection with a special focus on a school’s Christian vision and values. It has been good to be part of a SIAMS prep group, working with staff to review how our vision and values impact all areas of the life of the School.

Much work has also been undertaken by our Fabric Committee at St Lawrence’s, Ardeley. Working with our architect, Helen Axworthy of R H Partnership, we have pulled together the details for a major restoration project, cleaning and preserving much of the stained glass and replacing eroded stonework. This will be the largest project within the Benefice in 2024 amounting to a £100 000 spend. We are hugely grateful to the late Janet Naylor for remembering St Lawrence’s in her will and enabling this work to take place. This project will commence in March and will hopefully, be completed by the end of June. A big Thank You to Jackie Haywood, Churchwarden, for taking on the role of ‘keeping an eye’ as this project evolves.

Janet’s gift is a reminder of how important it can be to remember your Church in your will. Even a small gift can make a significant impact in helping to preserve the ancient fabric of the Church, ensuring that it will continue to be here for future generations to use and enjoy. A very special legacy by which to be remembered and for which the present generation will be truly grateful.

The restoration works to the Chapel at St Peter’s, Benington has progressed significantly with the added delight of the discovery of new fragments of medieval wall paintings. Rewiring of electrics at the west end of the Chapel has seen a much-needed tidy-up though more still needs to be done in this regard. This project will continue in 2024 and we look forward to the design and introduction of some new oak cabinets. A particular Thank You to Mandy Greengrass, our erstwhile Verger, for expertly re-jigging the Chapel space whilst work continues.

Over the Christmas period,  significant amounts of fund-raising took place across all of our Churches. Teams of volunteers rallied around the Ardeley Christmas Mingle, Christmas Tree Festival at St Mary’s, Walkern, Christmas drinks at Cottered and the sale of specially commissioned cards at Benington. Christmas time is an important time in helping to raise money for payment of Parish Share (the amount we are obliged to pay to the Diocese to fund the vicar post) and help to balance the books. A huge Thank You to everyone who poured time and effort into these activities - on top of preparing to celebrate Christmas with friends and family at home and away. Where would we be without you?

Alongside my work as a parish priest, I have worked for many years in the field of mental health. During the COVID pandemic, I began writing meditative blogs via Facebook and have, since September, begun to do so again. This is an attempt to reach out to those within our own communities who struggle with mental health issues and to those who are caring for them. To date, the blogs have been welcomed by a good number of folks who find them helpful and so, I will be continuing to write them. They appear on a Friday on alternate weeks. If you find them helpful, you might like to mention them to others. Anyone struggling with a mental health issue is more than welcome to become part of any of our church families. ‘Belonging’ and being part of a loving, accepting group of people is an important part of the Church’s healing ministry.

From the middle of July until the beginning of November I shall be on sabbatical, researching and writing. Planning for this absence is already underway and I am grateful to Canon Mike Leverton and others who have said that they are more than willing to help plug gaps in our Rota of Services. Another big Thank You to our retired clergy and others who will be enabling this priest to step back from the coalface for a little while.

If you think the Church can be of any help to you, don’t hesitate to be in touch!

God Bless, Mark

[email protected] 01763 281052

Follow our Churches on Facebook for the latest news and details of events!

Photograph: Bishop Richard, Bishop of Bedford (Chair Diocesan Board of Education), Mrs Barbara Young (Headteacher Ardeley St Lawrence Church of England Primary School) and Revd Mark Bailey (Priest-in-Charge). Bishop Richard visited Ardeley School earlier last year.