Teddington and Alstone Summer Fete will be taking place on the 24th August 2024 between 1pm and 5pm.See attached flyer for further details.
Equipping ministers for mission undergirds all of Worcester Diocesan's priorities, and that means equipping lay ministers as well as ordained ones. Lay ministry is thriving in many different ways, and Authorised Lay Ministry affirms this. Many people want to offer their time and talents in particular ways, and this scheme offers them a short but focussed training course, to equip them for specific roles across their parishes. To find out more, see the attached leaflet.
Canon Roger Spiller leads a six week course at Little Comberton Village Hall commencing at 7pm on the 3rd April 2024 examining the history and faith of the Old Testament. All Welcome.See attached poster for more details