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Each Parish Safeguarding Officer’s (PSO) role is to: 

 Work closely with the incumbent to advise within the parish on all safeguarding matters relating to children, young people, and vulnerable adults; 

 Receive, with the incumbent, any concerns about children or adults in the parish and make sure that proper advice is sought and proper referrals are made; 

 Report all matters relating to concerns and allegations of abuse against church officers, in liaison with the incumbent, to the diocesan safeguarding adviser who will liaise with the statutory agencies, as required. Concerns about the incumbent should be raised directly with the DSA; 

 Ensure that any ex-offenders with offenses against children or vulnerable adults known to be in the church community are notified to the diocesan safeguarding adviser and contribute to managing Safeguarding Agreements; 

 Promote safer practices in all activities and make any recommendations required taking into account the particular arrangements of the parish; 

 Seek to ensure that Safer Recruitment practice is followed, with the support of the diocese. 

 Attend diocesan safeguarding training at least every three years; 

 Maintain safeguarding records;  Complete national, diocesan, and parish safeguarding self-assessments as required;