Happy Feet Toddler Group

Every Tuesday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
All Saints' Sidmouth
All Saints Road Sidmouth, EX10 8ES, United Kingdom

Happy Feet Toddler Group for parents & carers with their toddlers

Term-time only


Every Friday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
Please note that this event will not be taking place between and
All Saints' Sidmouth
All Saints Road Sidmouth, EX10 8ES, United Kingdom

What is Alpha?
Whether you’re wondering what Christianity is all about, or you’re a new Christian with a desire to understand more about Jesus, Alpha is for you.

The Alpha course is a series of sessions that explore the big questions of life through the lens of Christian faith. No question is ‘off the table’ and everyone is welcome. Alpha has been running all over the world for the last couple of decades in churches, pubs, prisons & homes where nearly 30 million people have taken part and loved the experience

Who is Alpha for?
Alpha is for adults of any age or background, specifically for those who are exploring faith for the very first time or exploring faith for the first time in a very long time! It’s for the cynics, the sceptics and anyone with an open-mind!

What happens?
It begins with some light food and refreshments. We then watch a video on a given topic and following that there’s opportunity to chat about the topic, ask questions, and share your point of view.

Our next Alpha course starts on Friday 17 January 2025 and continues thereafter for 6 weeks. If you are interested do sign up and we will let you know further details when they are finalised.

Morning Service

Every Sunday at for 1 hour
All Saints' Sidmouth
All Saints Road Sidmouth, EX10 8ES, United Kingdom

The service is contemporary in style and there are activities for children and young people in groups.

Evening Service

Every Sunday at for 1 hour
All Saints' Sidmouth
All Saints Road Sidmouth, EX10 8ES, United Kingdom

The 4:00 pm service has a more classical worship style.

Prayer & Praise

Every Third Tuesday at for 45 mins
All Saints' Sidmouth
All Saints Road Sidmouth, EX10 8ES, United Kingdom

Informal prayers for our people, our church, our town and 'to the ends of the earth'

Prayer & Praise

Every Third Tuesday at for 45 mins
All Saints' Sidmouth
All Saints Road Sidmouth, EX10 8ES, United Kingdom

Informal praise and prayers for our people, our church, our town and 'to the ends of the earth'

The 7 o'clock

Monthly. Every Second Sunday at for 1 hour, 15 mins
All Saints' Sidmouth
All Saints Road Sidmouth, EX10 8ES, United Kingdom

Our monthly informal evening service