Easter Joy

Easter Church_news

A three-part morning of joy and light.  First an all-age communion service with rousing singing and even magic tricks explaining the truth of Jesus' resurrection and how it was witnessed and believed.  Then the excitement of the Easter Egg hunt and the joy of the youngsters as they matched two halves of the eggs and were given chocolate eggs as a prize.  Finally a three section egg rolling competition.  The under nines, nines to under 16 and the 16s and older.  The excitement as the hardboiled and beautifully decorated eggs went on their way down the hill of Church Lane to stop and then be nudged on by another one.  Some carried on for several metres until one was declared the winner.  The sun shone on us, the primroses were in full bloom, the homemade cookies and drinks were received with delight, the church looked a picture, and the cry rang out 'Christ is risen!  He is risen indeed.  Alleluia!