St Peter's Church Status update

Good news about the Church roof:

We're very sad that our heritage building isn't available as it should be to villagers and visitors, but take heart that thanks to a few generous donations and an additional grant from the Archdeacon we have been able to commission the structural engineer to investigate the additional beams which are of concern. By the end of September we should be in a position to know exactly what will be required and to that end we are planning fundraising events and grant applications to ensure we can get that work done. Since its construction St Peter’s has always been totally reliant on gifts and donations - that’s 922 years! (Village, benefice or further afield if you would like to help please email us). For example in 1498 John Bonde bequeathed ‘to the bilding of the towre 100 shepe’ worth about 100 shillings. A tower followed and reflecting turbulent times had battlements and a spiral staircase turning right as you go up. This gave a defending right handed swordsman more space and an advantage over attackers below. There is a wealth of history and interesting stories about our church, its rectors and congregation which we’ll be sharing more of in future editions of Parish Pump.

We are keen to involve the community and will soon be doing a survey of any stakeholders (anyone in the village or outside it who might want to use the building in the future) to find out exactly how to meet those needs. If you would like to get in contact with us to suggest anyone/organisation we should consult with, please do so. The PCC have already obtained a grant of £15k towards the repair of the faulty beams, so that is something to celebrate - this is from Oxfordshire Historic Churches Trust, the people who run the annual Ride and Stride event which this year is on Saturday 10th Sept. We are working with professionals who have expertise in grant applications and fund-raising to move forward with the plans to make our beautiful community building somewhere villagers and visitors can enjoy using.