Our Vicar's message for the second Sunday after Trinity

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Dear Friends,

On Wednesday some of us attended an inspiring Archdeacon's Visitation, one of the services in which Church wardens are commissioned. The role of Church warden is an ancient one, they are Bishop's Officers with distinctive authority and responsibility. That is particularly the case during times when there is no incumbent, so please hold all our churchwardens in your prayers and offer whatever support you can to share in the smooth running of each of our churches. Pray too for our church which do not have wardens (for Lynmouth and Countisbury, and for Brendon, where thankfully we have been ale to inaugurate a new PCC).

The theme of the Visitation this year was Creation care - reminding us of the fragility of God's creation and our calling to care for and preserve it. It is a good reminder that we have a mission of love not only to the people of the planet, but to all forms of life with which we share it. Let's give thanks for those around us who tend to the land and to the creatures who live here and find inspiration in the beauty around us to bring our full attention to living lightly on the planet.

God bless


Once before I sent a link to a guided imaginative contemplation some people found helpful. It you would like to explore that way of praying again, here is a link to reflection with the same event as in this week's gospel but from Mark's account:


This is the penultimate weekend mailout from me. If you want to continue to get news from the Lyn Valley Mission Community, please make sure you are signed up to the list which Sam uses to send out the monthly newsletter. This will be particularly important as the pattern of services may fluctuate according to the availability of people to lead them in coming months and details will be updated monthly. Email Sam to be included at lynvalleymissionoffice@gmail. Ongoing contact emails are below too.


As many of you will know, my ministry in the Lyn Valley comes to an end on 25th June. From 22nd June the following email addresses will replace this one for each form of contact:

Lyn Valley Mission Community administration and contact: [email protected]

Dean for Women matters: [email protected]

Samantha's new parish ministry email: [email protected]

The Reverend Prebendary Samantha Stayte

Rector of the Lyn Valley Mission Community

Dean for Women in Ministry