Our Vicar's Message for third Sunday of Epiphany

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Dear Friends,

We are mid way through the week of prayer for Christian unity so I encourage you to hold in your prayers all our neighbours in Christ - the churches of the Mission Community and Deanery, our ecumenical partners in Lynton and further afield and all with whom we share faith across all denominations. Over Christian history we have not always been good at recognising and loving our brothers and sisters in faith - yet in the early church it was the quality of love in the community of believers that drew others to joining them. Let's pray to grow in faith and love together so as to be better instruments of reconciliation of love in the world in which God sends us.

On Wednesday 25th January we have been invited to join the Sisters of Mary Morning Star in the Vespers for Christian Unity - a half hour service of singing hymns and psalms beginning at 6pm at the Catholic Church in Lynton.

At 7pm the same evening the Deanery Synod AGM takes place at St Mary's Lynton, and opportunity to gather with churches across the locality in support of one another.

And on Saturday there is an opportunity to enjoy each other's company with the resuming of the fortnightly coffee meetings - this time from 10.30 at the Exmoor Escape in Lynton.

Plenty to help us get to know each other better, and to share what we have in common!

God bless
