Homily for Easter Day

Easter Day Acts 10: 34-43 Mark 16: 1-8

Alleluia! Christ is Risen. We may shout this from the rooftops, from the heights of the hills and mountains, we may spread the message far and wide. Yes, Jesus is risen from the dead and in so doing has shown us all the way to the heavenly kingdom.

In rising Jesus has shown us new life. This is amplified as we look about us. There are spring lambs jumping about in the field, the trees are in bud as we await the colourful blossom, the flowers are bringing colour into the gardens and hedgerows. In addition there is the covert sneaking a nibble at an Easter Egg before getting caught – “wait until after ….”

Jesus Christ is Risen. The stone sealing the tomb has been moved and the tomb is bare. Fright and astonishment may have overwhelmed them. However, there was a young man sat in the tomb who gave the women at the tomb words of comfort. He told them that Jesus, whom had been crucified, has been raised. They will see him just as he had told them. The Resurrection of Jesus is the central fact of the whole of the Christian faith.

Think back to poor Peter who had denied Jesus. He must have been wracked with guilt; his soul must have been tortured beyond belief. But here, from the very tomb of Jesus, the young man told the women who had come to the tomb, “Tell his disciples, and Peter that he is going ahead of you to Galilee”.

Upon hearing this message imagine the pure and unadulterated joy that Peter must have felt. The relief must have been quite out of this world. This is the joy that we also can share. Jesus is the Risen Lord. It does not matter how much sin we have gathered upon our shoulders. As Jesus looked kindly upon Peter so he does upon us. our sins were washed away when he was on the Cross. Then we also may share in the joy that Peter felt.

This Easter dig into that Easter Egg, the symbol of new life, and rejoice in the new life given to us by Jesus.

Gill and I wish you God’s blessing and a very Happy Easter.

Collect for Easter Day

Lord of all life and power,

who through the mighty resurrection of your Son

overcame the old order of sin and death

to make all things new in him:

grant that we, being dead to sin

and alive to you in Jesus Christ,

may reign with him in glory;

to whom with you and the Holy Spirit

be praise and honour, glory and might,

now and in all eternity.