Glanvilles Wootton Church Roof Repair

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Back in December 2022 we had some very stormy weather and this caused a lot of damage to the church roof and we now need to raise funds to pay for the repairs. We are in the process of obtaining church faculties for the repairs. The hole has been temporarily covered to stop any water penetration but we need to complete the necessary works by the winter. We are busy exploring what grants are available to us but even if we are awarded any there will still be a significant shortfall of funds to enable us to complete the job. A programme of fundraising events is being drawn up, appeals for donations from the local community have been sent out and we have also had our appeal on Radio Solent . We have one villager who has offered to match any funds we raise through our justgiving page up to a maximum of £10,000 so if If you able to help us please donate today at