Morning Worship

Every Sunday at for 1 hour
St. John's Church, Wimborne
Leigh Road Wimborne Dorset, BH21 1AE, United Kingdom

Our Morning Service held every Sunday. On the first Sunday of the month there is Communion during the service. The style for this service is contemporary and relaxed with a range of songs, hymns and music. There is a creche and a range of children's and youth activities.
Coffee and biscuits are served after this service.

Evening Worship

Every Sunday at for 1 hour
St. John's Church, Wimborne
Leigh Road Wimborne Dorset, BH21 1AE, United Kingdom

There is a 6.30pm service every Sunday. Whilst the evening service style is designed to be accessible for all ages. It is the most contemporary of the services. The third Sunday service in the month is normally a communion service. After the evening service there are people available to offer prayer ministry for those who seek this.

The third Sunday service in the month is normally a communion service.