PCC_Church_Giving_Notice.doc Download
Church_news News_about_our_building

St Martin’s Church receives no funds from the Government or The Church of England for the upkeep of this 13th Century building so relies on generous donations from Villagers and Visitors to support it for the benefit of all.

If you appreciate the existence of the church in the village and wish to see it continue, Donations are much appreciated, however big or small.

Scanning this QR Code with your smart phone will take you directly to the Church’s Parish Giving Scheme donation page. From that, you can simply make a One-Off Gift using your Debit, Credit Card or Apple/Google Pay wallet; or you can set up a regular contribution, including anonymously, if you wish. It also gives you the choice of enabling Gift Aid if you are an eligible UK taxpayer.

OR you can give a cash donation in the Wall Safe in the porch; OR make a BACS payment to

PCC Barford St Martin Sort Code 30-97-41 A/C 01593067