Celtic Evensong

On Sunday March 3rd our regular St Katharine’s Sunday Evensong was taken by the Rev Maria Shepherdson, Vicar of the Upper Kennet benefice, who had kindly agreed to bring her unique form of Celtic Service to us to celebrate St David’s Day. The church was decorated by our ‘ACORN’ team with dragons, large and small, and daffodils everywhere, and St Katharine’s Primary School had rehearsed an anthem especially for the occasion. Anticipation was high, and we weren’t disappointed. Maria gave us the story of St David, with her beautiful singing voice, and plenty of action for the school children to take part in. They loved it! Hymns, prayers in Welsh and English (our own Sally Thompson read the Lord’s Prayer in Welsh) and candles lit in remembrance of lost friends and family completed the Service. It was an evening to remember.