Church maintenance at Swettenham

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Vindline Construction of Knutsford have been instructed by the Parochial Church Council to replace the gutters of St Peter's Church as they are leaking badly and were highlighted as a job to be done urgently in the quinquennial report. As the church is a listed building, certain conditions have tp be met to ensure listed status and that is why the work will cost so much. 

The work should be complete by 1st October. 

If you would like to contribute to the cost, please see Geoff, Church Warden and Treasurer, contact him by email or phone 07831 808532. You can also make online donations  to the church using the QR code at the header of the article. If you are a UK tax payer, the church can receive an extra 25% of your donation at no cost to you. Please would you complete the attached form and return to the church or to Geoff. The name of the charity is Swettenham PCC. 

The total cost will be £11,390. 

Thank you.