About Us

Welcome to the 4Parishes of Warboys with Broughton and Bury with Wistow – together we are one church in 4 locations. The 4Parish benefice is in the St. Ives Deanery in the Diocese of Ely where we seek to be generous and visible people of Jesus Christ.

Thank you for visiting our website, we hope that you will find enough information and detail on here to give you a picture of who we are as one church in 4 locations.
We are passionate about being church where everyone is made welcome and everyone knows that they matter to God and to us as a worshipping community.

We are committed to following and trying to live like Jesus who lived Up to God, In towards His disciples and Out to all those around Him.
Three of the parishes have services with ‘Fresh Expressions’ and you can find out more about these following the link to each church. Worship takes place in each parish each Sunday, except on fifth Sundays in the month when all 4 churches come together under one roof (service times and details available here).

Along with authorised, licensed ministers ordained and lay, and together with others, we share our varied gifts within the 4Parishes.

Please take a moment to discover more about who we are and the kind of things that are important to us in the 4Parishes of Warboys, Broughton, Bury and Wistow. We are sure that you will find a Church family in one of the 4 locations that you can comfortably connect with, somewhere to belong and a safe space to seek to become all that God created us to be.

We look forward to getting to know you. Every blessing
Rev’d Garry Dawson-Jones (Rector)