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PRAY WITH US at Mid-Trent Churches

Every day at for 30 mins
St. Andrew's Church, Weston upon Trent, Staffordshire
Stafford Road, Weston upon Trent, Stafford., ST18 0HX, United Kingdom

Morning Prayer
Start your day in the presence of God with a short service of readings and prayers.
Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday 9-00am at St Andrew’s Church, Weston.
An online service with contemplative music and quiet prayer.
Join us, with an online congregation from Stafford Churches to share the Night Prayer of the Church
Monday evening on ZOOM at 8-30pm
Meeting ID: 718 2544 6761 Passcode: compline
For a link, email: [email protected]

Morning Prayer: Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday morning. Compline: Monday evenings.

Fradswell Rogation Walk on Sunday 5th May at 10-00am from the Village Hall

for 3 hours
St. James the Less Church, Fradswell, Staffordshire.
off Church Lane Fradswell Stafford, ST18 0EY, United Kingdom

Rogationtide is a time for asking for blessings on the growing crops and to say thank you for all the bounty we have around us here in Fradswell.
We begin at the village hall where we ask for blessings on the Serenity Garden, the Community Greenhouse, the Community Orchard, the Village Green and our wonderful Village Hall.
We then set off on a 6½ mile walk taking in areas of the parish boundary, which are not normally accessible, and visiting places of note in our parish such as a parish marker stone, 2 areas where 3 parishes meet, our church and some beautiful lakes.
A small cross handmade from hazel cut from a local farm will be set at each point we visit. Each cross is engraved with the year and will be placed with those from the previous 6 years. The idea being that the crosses will decay over time and take the
blessings bestowed upon them into the ground.
This is not a particularly religious event, but an opportunity for everyone to join in and ask for blessings and say thank you to whoever or whatever they please; or even just enjoy the walk.
Dogs on short leads are very welcome. Please wear appropriate clothing and footwear for walking across farmland.
If anyone would like to follow in a vehicle or bicycle it is possible to join us at the village hall to start, then park in The Round House yard to witness the ceremony there, then at Hall Farm Lakes and the Church. We will return to the village hall for a
final toast and blessing using Fradswell Cider.
The walk is followed by a Community Picnic; either BYO or Bring to Share. The village hall bar will be open. Absolutely everyone is welcome to come to the picnic – you don't need to have joined Rogation

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