About Us

Walking in the footsteps of Christ together, we meet in the five parishes of Allerthorpe, Barmby Moor, Fangfoss, Thornton and Yapham, along with villagers from Bolton, Spittal and Melbourne. We are located in the Vale of York, to the north, east and south of the market town of Pocklington, on the edge of the Yorkshire Wolds. Our churches are open most days and welcome visitors (and their dogs!) to come in, look around, sit and take a moment to be still, away from the busyness of life and to seek some moments of peace in silence or in prayer.

A service of Holy Communion is held every Sunday in one or more of our parish churches. Other services include Family Worship, Morning Prayer and Evensong. There is also a midweek service of either Morning Prayer or Holy Communion every Wednesday at St Catherines, Barmby Moor at 10:00am. We believe fellowship is an important part of our faith and many have coffee and other refreshments after our services. In addition, there is a fortnightly cafe on Saturday mornings at St Catherine's. Everyone is warmly welcome to join us at any of our services and cafe.

Our new vicar, Rev'd Mark Poole, joined the benefice in March 2023, and we are seeking ways to grow church as a vibrant and permanent part of the community hub.