Holy Communion Services
Feb 9th Cleasby 9.30 am Barton 11.00am
Feb 16th Croft 11.00am
Feb 23rd Middleton Tyas 9.30am Manfield 11.00am
Our Sunday service pattern at the moment is as follows but please check the website for weekly updates:-
First Sunday of the month
11am Holy Communion at Eryholme, Barton MP
Second Sunday of the month
9.30am Cleasby HC and 9.30am Middleton Tyas MP; 11am Barton HC and 11am Croft Family Service; 6pm Moulton BCP HC
Third Sunday of the month
9.30am Middleton Tyas MP; 11am Croft HC; 11am Barton MP
Fourth Sunday of the month
11am Manfield HC; 11am Middleton Tyas HC; 11am Croft Morning Prayer
Fifth Sunday of the month Benefice Service at 10.30am location varies please check